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Baby Swaddling Can Help Your Baby Sleep

Baby swaddling is a method of gently wrapping your baby in a blanket from the shoulders to the feet. It promotes sleep patterns and can be used to comfort your infant. Baby swaddling has been practiced for millennia and is popular in many countries around the world.

Swaddling promotes sleep habits in your baby by providing comfort. This view is based on the finding that a baby wrapped in a swaddling blanket is in a more stable position and finds it more difficult to flip over while sleeping. Swaddling can also assist in preventing the infant from making unexpected movements while sleeping, which can sometimes wake the baby. The parent benefits because as the infant sleep longer, so can the parent.

When first beginning to swaddle your baby, keep in mind how much time your baby may need to get used to the sensation. If you wrap the blanket too tightly at first, your infant may become uncomfortable and restless. Instead, attempt to ensure that your infant is comfortable without being too bundled. As your infant becomes more accustomed to the procedure, gradually increase the tightness. If you are unsure about how tight the blanket should be, consult your midwife, family nurse, or doctor so that you do not disrupt the circulation.


Once your infant has become accustomed to swaddling, you can employ the technique to calm him or her during waking hours. If you’re nursing, putting your baby in a swaddling blanket can help him, or her go asleep if you’re attempting to soothe him or her.

Swaddling your baby should be limited to moments when you are attempting to quiet them. The sense of security provided by a swaddling blanket can educate your baby that it is time to sleep, and over swaddling can negate this. Furthermore, your kid may discover that being confined too much is distressing. When swaddling your baby, you should also consider the temperature. In warm weather, adding an extra layer of a swaddling blanket may keep your infant excessively warm; if so, consider removing some of the other layers. Finally, don’t over baby swaddle your baby when he or she is awake; aside from undoing the teaching of sleep patterns, your infant will want to move around and have some freedom while awake.

Some newborns simply do not appreciate the sensation provided by a swaddling blanket. In this scenario, try wrapping the blanket looser and even leaving the arms outside the cover. You can progress if your infant is more accustomed to the procedure. Swaddling blankets are commonly used for newborns and infants up to four months of age. You can wrap your infant for a longer period of time if you believe he or she appreciates the sensation of being swaddled. At some point, your baby will learn to turn over and move about, and a swaddling blanket will become less effective. When your baby reaches this developmental period, you should start teaching him or her to fall asleep without the cozy feeling of the swaddling blanket.