What is the Difference Between Labgrown Diamond and Natural Diamond?
When buying a diamond, one factor to consider is whether to choose a natural diamond or a natural labgrown diamond. Although they are relatively similar, there are a couple of distinctions to consider before choosing the kind of stone that is ideal for you. These factors are crucial if you buy on a budget and hope to get the best bang for your buck.
Because lab-grown diamonds are a relatively new creation, there are numerous misconceptions regarding this type of stone. This article will explain all you must know about natural and lab-grown diamonds. You would also learn to distinguish between the two stones and the advantages and disadvantages of each. So, let us get started.
What Is A Natural Diamond
Deep below the earth, these diamonds developed a million years ago 90km to 120km below the earth, and migrated to the surface through volcanic activity or through mining. These diamonds could be discovered on the earth’s surface, like in natural sources like kimberlite rocks.
While millions of these rocks exist worldwide, only some have enough diamonds to be extracted for commercial jewelry usage, as opposed to industrial grades, which are used for cutting. As a result, genuine or natural diamonds are extremely rare, which explains the high price tag for even a little piece of this stone.
What Is A Lab-Grown Diamond?
Labmade diamonds are now possible because of advances in technology. Labgrown diamonds, as the name implies, are created in a laboratory. Producers of gem-quality diamonds seek to replicate the same high-pressure and high-temperature conditions that naturally make diamonds. This method of diamond formation is known as High Pressure, High Temperature (HPHT). There is another method called CVD, which is the dominant method these days.
How To Tell The Difference Between A Lab-Grown Diamond And A Real Diamond
Diamonds created in a laboratory have the appearance and feel of natural diamonds. Labgrown diamonds, like natural diamonds, exist in various sizes and forms, and it’s hard to distinguish between a crystal that’s old as time and one that’s only a few weeks old.
There is one distinction between both: natural diamonds typically include trace nitrogen levels, but artificial diamond crystals do not. However, lab-grown diamonds, such as natural diamonds, include a large amount of carbon.
The two variations of diamonds are structurally different. However, these distinctions can only be noticed with sophisticated equipment used by advanced gemologists. The diamond’s development pattern causes morphological and structural changes.
An advanced gemologist will observe that a natural diamond has an octahedral form. Diamonds created in a laboratory utilizing the high-pressure, high-temperature approach have a cuboctahedral form, but those grown through the chemical vapor deposition approach have a cubic shape. However, as previously stated, these forms are not visible to the human eye.
Certification and Grading
The Gemology Institute of America (GIA) grades lab-created diamonds using less stringent standards. Rather than the D-to-Z scale used to assess the color of natural diamonds, GIA grades lab-created diamonds as Light, Very Light, Faint, Near Colorless, and Colorless. The Institute also grades the clarity of lab-grown diamonds using Included, Slightly Included, Very Slightly Included, Very Very Slightly Included, Internally Flawless, and Flawless.
When shopping for diamonds, request a certificate for grading. When looking for natural diamonds, request a GIA certificate from the jeweler. Request an International Gemology Institute certificate GCAL (Gem Certificate and Assurance Lab) certificate for diamonds created in a lab.
Which One Should You Buy: Lab Grown Diamond Vs. Real Diamond
Ultimately, it’s not about the diamond. The diamond was never the point. It all comes down to what the diamond signifies. A diamond, whether set in a wedding band, engagement ring, or other jewelry items, symbolizes love, devotion, achievement, and much more.